
Body-Safe Materials & Ethically Sourced Pigments

We only use Ethically Sourced, Vegan Friendly & Cruelty Free pigments, 100% cosmetics grade which are safe for use with eyes, lips, and skin, in our silicone products so you can be assured that no human, animal or insect was harmed to bring you the most amazing sparkly mind-blowing colours in your toy of choice. 


With Base Seagsaidh’s handmade toys, you get the finest 100% body-safe materials used in your toy. Our silicone products use certified skin-safe premium platinum cured silicone.  Most of our toys are included in our Harnessable Range, meaning that they have flared bases so they can’t get accidentally lost inside you.

Harness - Em.Ex. Active Contour - Red

Enticing Colours For A Difficult Decision

With a whole bunch of enticing designs available for all different interests and experiences, a Base Seagsaidh® toy will give you what you are looking for. You can also choose from a wide range of stunning colours such as Lemon Sparkle, Vegas Nights, Pirate’s Bounty, or one of many others including our multi-colour signature combo range. 

Click through the examples on the right to see just a few of theses colours in detail. To go through the full colour varieties you can use our handy Colour Swatch Board.

With three firmnesses to choose from in the majority of our range, Soft ‘n Squishy (soft), Just Right (medium) and Packs A Punch (firm), you can choose the firmness in your toy that matters to you. You can read more about the firmnesses in our Materials & Ingredients page for specific information regarding shore scale (the standard used for firmness in silicones) data.

Take a look at our Squishing video below to see the differences in firmness in one of our toys.

Firmnesses That Matter To You!

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