Environment & Community Policy

Environment & Community Policy


We believe strongly in the effects of global warming, care for the environment and our contribution and impact on both. We aim to be carbon neutral so that we have a minimum, if any, impact on the environment in everything we do here at Base Seagsaidh®.

But in itself that is difficult when you manufacture products that will inevitably have some impact on the environment, from the products themselves due to the raw materials, the shipping of both raw materials and final products, the electricity required to manufacture, market and the eventual disposal of each and every one of them.

Everything that is made will have some form of impact on the environment, so how or what can be done to be carbon neutral? For us it involves several angles to take action on that will not always be perfect, but goes a long way to minimise or ensure the least amount of impact on the environment. This is what we are doing to try and achieve our goals to be carbon neutral.

  1.  Sourcing certified carbon neutral packaging utilising fully recyclable or bio-degradable boxes, bags, pouches and associated materials.
  2.  Sourcing delivery services that also aim to be at least carbon neutral.
  3.  Contributing to global reforestation charitable projects for every order shipped.
  4.  Working with Carbon Offsetting firms to calculate our carbon footprint for every order and offsetting it through environmental projects.
  5.  Ensuring that in everything we do, the potential impact on the environment is always considered.
  6. 100% of the electricity we use in the business is from renewable sources.
TKK-Bases Ltd is registered with the German LUCID packaging register, registration number DE3295321030170 and licensed via Interseroh+ to comply with the German Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) for packaging usage and recycling for the delivery of our products sold to German customers.


We have a strong community focus in what we do at Base Seagsaidh® that ranges from the local community through to the wider global Adult Industry that encompasses many different communities within it. In general, the Adult Industry tends to be vilified, depending on the sub-community you belong to, with most aspects being considered controversial in one way or another.

Whilst we are not sure that these types of feelings will ever go away, we can do our best to try and change perceptions by spreading positivity and demonstrating that this industry does not represent controversy. At the same time, we recognise that there is a reasonable element within the Adult Industry that deserves its poor reputation and requires eradication; that goes hand in hand with crime and the poor/illegal treatment of races, identities or genders; that treat people as property and removes their ability to make their own choices in life through violence and intimidation. 

There are many things that can be done to help the communities that we operate in, so we do what we can to contribute starting with the following actions:

  1.  A contribution for every order shipped towards Sexual Health Rights and Education Charities in the UK.
  2.  Contributions to Sex Workers Rights charities that aim to provide unbiased non-judgemental support and advocacy to Sex Workers.

We hope that you will join us in our effort to minimise the impact on the environment and give back to the community where we can. If you have any specific questions or feedback relating to our environmental and community policy, please feel free to contact us on our socials or email at info@base-seagsaidh.com.

For further information regarding Sexual Health Charities or Sex Workers Rights please consider following these great Twitter accounts and even donating to their causes:

Sex Workers Rights Charities

SWARM – https://twitter.com/SexWorkHive  |  https://www.swarmcollective.org/

Umbrella Lane – https://twitter.com/UmbrellaLane  |  https://www.umbrellalane.org/

National Ugly Mugs – https://twitter.com/NationalUglyMug  |  https://uglymugs.org/um/

Sexual Health Charities

Brook UK – https://twitter.com/BrookCharity  |  https://www.brook.org.uk

Sex Education Forum – https://twitter.com/sex_ed_forum  |   https://www.sexeducationforum.org.uk/

Plan UK – https://twitter.com/PlanUK  |  https://plan-uk.org

Last Updated: 2022-07-04